2nd Research Management & Administration Symposium 2023
23 – 24 November 2023
Level 8, Building A3, Xiamen University Malaysia, Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia
Symposium Theme: Nurturing Professionalism in Research Management
Research and innovation have opened another realm for the professional world. The important roles research managers and administrators play are vital for advancing innovation in its diverse fields. Just as academics play an important role in the improvement of teaching and learning materials to keep abreast with industry needs, national higher educational standards, and manpower goals, research managers ensure that there is continuity, relevancy, and impact of the research efforts carried out by researchers whether in the higher education arena or research institutions for the betterment of our community, the environment and the future generation.

In light of such ethos, The Malaysia Association of Research Managers and Administrators (MyRMA) in line with the fraternity goals at the International Network of Research Management Societies (INORMS), commits in the organization of the 2nd Research Management and Administration Symposium (2RMAS) this 23-24 November 2023 at Xiamen University Malaysia campus. This event seeks to bring together managers, administrators, policymakers, government agencies, and supporters who are interested in the field of research management or who are already new and established in the field of research administration. Participants are from research units
of higher education sectors, vice chancellors of universities, research institutes, professional societies, research departments with government ministries and agencies, and private advocates and consultancies.
The theme this year, “Nurturing Professionalism in Research Management” explores relevant issues and key areas in managing research. Hence, highlighting subthemes which will nurture and enhance professionalism. The commencement of the age of AI, big data analytics, and systemized reporting have called for a more humane way of navigating research and its researchers thus bringing on Subtheme 1 which is Humanizing Research Management; where collaboration, networking, etiquette are some of the topics of discussion. Subtheme 2 looks at Responsible Reporting where topics such as beyond ranking, ethical reporting, and data management are discussed. Subtheme 3 covers Research Impact where benefits to the community, societal relevancy, environmental sustainability and its measurements are important discussion points.
Join us in this national symposium with delegates from the international INORMS fraternity in nurturing professionalism in research management this November 2023 at Xiamen University Malaysia. Jointly brought to you by the executive committee of MyRMA and the 2RMAS committee members from the following institutions; Universiti Malaya, Xiamen University Malaysia, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Monash University Malaysia, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Universiti Sains Malaysia, and Universiti Malaysia Perlis.
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